Phosphor Bronze wound strings were introduced in the early Seventies and have become the most popular acoustic string. Phosphor bronze wire is made from approximately 92% copper, 7% zinc and 1% phosphorous. Phosphor Bronze provides nice highs and lows, as well as pleasant subtle overtones. Phosphorous is used to help reduce tarnish and corrosion.
Customer Reviews 5 (1 Review) Write a Review
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I have found the strings of my dream for Marty: Curt Mangan Phozphor Bronze Round Core. Your strings do no buzz. It feels even all over (not one stiffer than the other) and it’s exactly what I am looking for: PB tone; hex core twang; round core feel; but not flabby. Every string is fresh and spotless. Orders ship fast. Curt him is an excellent person to deal with.