Round Core
Monel has been around since the early 1900’s and consists of 67% Pure Nickel, 30% Copper, 3% of the magic juice that contains magnesium, zinc and other elements making Monel resistant to salt water (sweat). Monel also has a very unique “earthy” tone and is used on both acoustics and electric instruments. It has built in natural resistance to tarnish and corrosion yet it feels great to the touch and has its own unique tonal color. Monel provides a very rich tone on the neck pickup and this great little growl on the bridge pick up. For acoustic instruments it seems to bring out more the wood sound.
Customer Reviews 5 (2 Reviews) Write a Review
Round Core Monel 11-48
Really like these strings. Have them on a Collings C10 Custom. They make it sound full and the lighter gauge is not a problem.
Monel Round Core
Curt's description is spot on. I am currently using them on my acousticsm. I have not tried them on electric. Monel has a warm woody sound. To my ear, these are perfect. I love the tone and and the feel. Sliding is easier with less string noise. I may experiment with different gauges, but Monel Round Cores are my string. True stroy, after I ut these on and strumed my first chord, I said out loud, "That's how it's supposed to sound."